
Worship at FUMC

9:30am Every Sunday. We have returned to live in-person worship in our Sanctuary. Please join us as you are comfortable and able.  We will also continue to livestream our service every Sunday on Facebook.

Children's Worship and Nursery

Children are encouraged and welcome to attend church with their parents and play with an Activity bag during worship. Limited nursery care is available for infants through age 3. Please contact an usher if you need our nursery services.

Sermon Archive

Listen to FIRST UNITED sermons from anywhere at anytime.  Check out our sermon archive page to access a link to our Facebook Live Sermons.


Do you need a prayer or want to join our Contemplative Prayer Group?  Learn more about how to request a prayer or prayer card and joining our prayer group that is open to all.

Special Services

FIRST UNITED offers a comfortable and special place for weddings, funerals, baptisms, and confirmations in the Stillwater, MN area.

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