Prayer Shawl Ministry
We have a dedicated group of knitters who create prayer shawls and prayer squares to be given to anyone in need of a symbol of love and care. The knitting group meets every Wednesday at 10:30 am.
For more information please contact the church office.

Women of Faith, United Circle

The Circle group offers interested women an opportunity to meet monthly. During this fellowship time, we build on our values and interact with each other, gaining a better understanding of who we are as Christians and how to help support the needs of communities near and far.
The Women's Circle meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at the church at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study

The Bible Study of 1st Corinthians convenes every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley Room. Please contact the church office to obtain a study guide or a link to access the meeting online.
United Methodist Men

UMM offers fellowship and spiritual growth for all men during breakfast together at a local restaurant at 8:00 am on the second Saturday of the month. See the Current Calendar page for the meeting location. Contact the church office for more information on joining. Activities include:
- Summer BBQ
- Highway 12 Cleanup spring and fall
- Financial support for the Sunny Hill Scholarship program
- Special projects to support Trustees and Missions
- Wednesday Night Dinner cooking duty