Welcoming and Caring Ministry


The Welcoming Team works to provide an atmosphere, both inside and outside our church, where everyone feels welcome, valued, and wrapped in God’s love. The Welcoming Team not only makes sure our visitors and congregation feel warmly greeted and included, but also reaches out into the community to share God’s love in our desire to include others in our church family.

Our ministry includes:

  • Welcome banners and signs inside and outside the church.
  • Greeters at both entrances, our Welcome Center desk, and at the Sanctuary Door.
  • At the Welcome Center we provide a warm greeting, have information available on our ministries, services and ways to interact with our congregation.
  • Providing and organizing delivery of flowers and cards to the homebound at Christmas and Easter.
  • Supporting the Caring Team in their ministries.
  • Providing coffee/treats to Sunny Hill Preschool parents periodically throughout the school year.
  • Working with Youth Council and Education to plan and conduct Adventure Avenue intergenerational games and crafts for children and adults in our church, Sunnyhill Pre-school, and the local community.
  • Partnering with Lily Lake Elementary School in various ways.
  • Maintaining our Little Free Libraries at our church and Lily Lake Elementary School.
  • Encouraging our members to provide Porch Pies to neighbors, friends and members in need of a gift to Wrap them in God’s Love.


The Caring Ministries Team offers resources and support for those who are grieving, ill, hospitalized, or isolated.  These resources include:

  • Meal train provides meals to those who are ill, recently discharged from the hospital or isolated
  • Soup ministry- provides meal support for those in need
  • Congregational Calling – provides regular calling to ALL in our congregation to keep in touch and offer support
  • A flower and card ministry – contacting those in need of support due to illness, grief, isolation, or other care situations
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